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Tag: Senior

Prescription Hearing Aids Are Expensive. Could an OTC Option Help?

Prescription Hearing Aids Are Expensive. Could an OTC Option Help?

Hearing loss affects a huge part of the American population. But hearing aids can be extremely costly, causing many to leave their hearing issues untreated. Whenever a person thinks about health and well-being, do they

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When to Switch From Medicare Advantage to Medigap

When to Switch From Medicare Advantage to Medigap

Health insurance has helped many families afford treatments that they would otherwise not have been able to pay out of their pockets.  Medicare Advantage and Medigap are two such medical insurance plans available in the

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4 Steps to Make the Most of Medicare Open Enrollment

4 Steps to Make the Most of Medicare Open Enrollment

Reaching the age of seniority means it’s almost time to consider retirement. During this period, seniors become eligible for a health care coverage plan called Medicare. Once you reach the age of 65, you’re eligible

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Tips for Thriving During Retirement

Tips for Thriving During Retirement

The number one rule of retirement is that it’s all about how you view it. Retirement shouldn’t be viewed as this “closing of a door” or an “end of the road” chapter. If anything, retirement

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How to Make Money During Retirement

How to Make Money During Retirement

There’s a common misconception that the entrepreneurial spirit is only for youngsters. This is far from true. Retirement is a period that involves a significant amount of change in the way a person lives. .

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The Benefits of a Medical Alert System

The Benefits of a Medical Alert System

If there’s one thing that remains constant in life, it’s getting older. As we get older, our immune systems weaken, our joints and limbs become frail, and our sense of independence begins to fade. The

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Features All Medical Alert Systems Need

Features All Medical Alert Systems Need

As you get older, the constant demands of life become harder to manage. The immune system weakens, your joints aren’t as reliable, or debilitating diseases begin to form. To effectively combat these challenges, medical alert

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Travel Tips for Seniors on A Budget

Travel Tips for Seniors on A Budget

Having endured the stress and strain of waking up early and dashing out to work, the hustle and bustle, endless traffic and weary days, starting life as a retiree could be the much-needed break you

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Senior-Friendly Travel Destinations

Senior-Friendly Travel Destinations

Traveling the world and meeting fascinating people always comes at the top of the to-do-list of  every senior. As they say, the hunger for adventure never dies in a man - or woman, of course.

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Planning For And Navigating A Senior Move

Planning For And Navigating A Senior Move

Planning your transition into “senior life” can be very tiring and could leave you feeling anxious. Regardless of how uneasy the thought of becoming elderly or a senior may feel, it’s nothing to worry about.

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