Planning your transition into “senior life” can be very tiring and could leave you feeling anxious. Regardless of how uneasy the thought of becoming elderly or a senior may feel, it’s nothing to worry about. All you have to do is plan, in advance, how to live your best life and still enjoy the fun things you used to do – even though you may not participate fully.
Moving into The Senior Lifestyle
Often seniors become anxious about leaving home and joining a supportive living community, assisted living community, or a nursing facility – and you can’t blame them! Anyone would feel the same way at the thought of leaving home because they can no longer perform some of their basic chores.
They can’t fathom the fact that they are leaving so many memories and their loved ones. But, hey, it’s really of a matter of planning, as we mentioned earlier. Planning for your senior life gives you a sense of direction on how to navigate the move.
We will share some tips on how to take on the experience without melting down (physically, emotionally, and financially).
Have an open mind
Once you come to terms with the fact that living a senior life is not a death sentence and doesn’t mean you are disabled, half the problem is solved.
Now, make a list of the available options, and consider whether your loved ones will be around to take care of you if you stay home or not. If you are lucky to have a family that’s not too engaged in other activities, then you can, by all means, consider staying back at home.
Otherwise, it’s best to find a convenient supportive living community that will take care of your needs. So, engage your family in discussions about what you want and how you intend to move. Also, while the topic is thrown open to discussion, be receptive to opinions, and always try to see the bright side of things.
Feel at home wherever you go
As the old saying goes, “home is where the heart is and what we make it.” Moving into a supportive system doesn’t mean you are starting all over again.
There is a lot you can do to make the transition smooth. Take advantage of what the supportive community facility is offering, like choosing the floor plan of your apartment. You can decide how you want your space to be like and what goes in or out.
You can also bring a piece of your old home with you, like your furniture, drape, vase, or even a picture frame. These will help you maintain contact with your loved ones in some way.
Be active and engage in activities
Making your transition into senior life is almost like moving into a new neighborhood or coming to school for the first time. The flood of mixed emotions and anxiety, thoughts of whether you will fit in or not, and whether you are making the right decision can be overwhelming.
But these are all natural processes of adjusting to a new environment. Don’t overthink it! Just go with the flow, and you will be amazed at how splendid the journey will be. Supportive communities make arrangements for social and educational activities. Try as much as possible to participate, make friends with other residents, and embrace your new environment.
Contrary to what most people make of supportive living, your independence and freedom to move around and visit places are not taken. They will help you with planning trips and any other appointments you want to keep. Even though the care is available round the clock, you can still make out time to check on old friends or see that movie you have always wanted at the cinema.
So, you see, it is not as horrible as people make it seem. Regardless of how and where you intend to spend your senior life, a little patience and time to adjust are all that you need.