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Author: pps-DUEditor


Best Air Purifiers For Asthma And Allergies

Best Air Purifiers For Asthma And Allergies

The consistent use of inhalers and asthma pills can be a pain in the neck. However, recent innovations have conveniently curbed this problem by creating other means of controlling asthma that do not necessarily require

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Travel Tips for Seniors on A Budget

Travel Tips for Seniors on A Budget

Having endured the stress and strain of waking up early and dashing out to work, the hustle and bustle, endless traffic and weary days, starting life as a retiree could be the much-needed break you

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Senior-Friendly Travel Destinations

Senior-Friendly Travel Destinations

Traveling the world and meeting fascinating people always comes at the top of the to-do-list of  every senior. As they say, the hunger for adventure never dies in a man - or woman, of course.

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Planning For And Navigating A Senior Move

Planning For And Navigating A Senior Move

Planning your transition into “senior life” can be very tiring and could leave you feeling anxious. Regardless of how uneasy the thought of becoming elderly or a senior may feel, it’s nothing to worry about.

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What Is Supportive Living?

What Is Supportive Living?

With the passing of time, comes the inevitable aging process. As we advance with age, we gradually lose strength to carry on with daily routines and activities as we used to during our youth. These

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What Does Bad Breath Have To Do With Diabetes?

What Does Bad Breath Have To Do With Diabetes?

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is an unpleasant experience that could scar one’s social life and self-esteem. Having bad breath could be an early warning regarding your lifestyle and health. Halitosis is often attributed

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A Symptom Of Lung Cancer You May Be Ignoring

A Symptom Of Lung Cancer You May Be Ignoring

Lung cancer is the leading cause of death among cancer patients. Treatment is most effective with early diagnosis. Self-diagnosing lung cancer requires recognizing lung cancer-specific symptoms. Symptoms specific for lung cancer range from generalized body

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Prep For Winter With These Autumn Home Maintenance Tips

Prep For Winter With These Autumn Home Maintenance Tips

The early settlers used the cold snap in Fall to pack away deer meat, geese and poultry in the cool cellar and barreled salted fish away to keep for the winter when game was scarce.

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The Good, The Bad, The Necessary of P2P Auto Loans

The Good, The Bad, The Necessary of P2P Auto Loans

Peer to peer loans are getting popular. Know all about them. What’s a peer to peer loan, you ask? It’s when you need a small, short-term loan and you ask a family member or friend

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Bad Roads Can Cause Accidents

Bad Roads Can Cause Accidents

Especially tire-related incidents. Find out how. A large number of road accidents happen due to tire failure or even blowouts. These can be caused by incorrect tire pressure, tread separation, sidewall damage, traction loss due

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