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Tag: Auto

The Good, The Bad, The Necessary of P2P Auto Loans

The Good, The Bad, The Necessary of P2P Auto Loans

Peer to peer loans are getting popular. Know all about them. What’s a peer to peer loan, you ask? It’s when you need a small, short-term loan and you ask a family member or friend

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Bad Roads Can Cause Accidents

Bad Roads Can Cause Accidents

Especially tire-related incidents. Find out how. A large number of road accidents happen due to tire failure or even blowouts. These can be caused by incorrect tire pressure, tread separation, sidewall damage, traction loss due

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Can A Car Loan Affect Your Car Insurance?

Can A Car Loan Affect Your Car Insurance?

Find an answer to this common question  The correct answer to this question is ‘it depends’. Let’s find out on what factors it depends. If you buy a car with a loan taken from a

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7 Things That Hike Your Car Insurance Rates

7 Things That Hike Your Car Insurance Rates

Know about them and save yourself some money  1. Traffic Violations This is a very common reason. Get caught breaking traffic rules, and you must expect your insurance rates to go up. Both minor and

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5 Used Car Warranty Tips

5 Used Car Warranty Tips

We’re sure you know that new cars are sold with manufacturer warranties. But, what about used cars? Is there any chance that any repairs that you may need can be covered by a warranty? We’re

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