Recognizing Psoriasis: One Step To Respite

Skin conditions look very much alike. Therefore, it is not surprising to confuse psoriasis with eczema. Recognizing the specific form of dermatitis on your skin is a step to total health and vitality. psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition resulting in excess production of skin cells. As a result, the skin becomes inflamed, causing severe pruritus. The extra cells accumulate and die with time. These dead cells build-up and leave your skin covered with a whitish scale. The thick patch of white scales is typical for psoriasis. 

Atopic dermatitis or eczema, as it’s commonly called, is also a chronic skin condition resulting from hypersensitivity reactions. It shares very similar symptoms with Psoriasis. As a long term skin condition, atopic dermatitis causes the skin to overreact to certain triggers, like soaps, animal fur, dyes, fabrics, and several other irritants. Infants are highly susceptible to atopic dermatitis. Many infants affected, can outgrow the infection by childhood or early adulthood. The skin may appear inflamed, peeling, cracked, reddened, blistered, pus-filled, and scaly. It is sometimes painful and leaves the victim itching all day. How then would you differentiate psoriasis from eczema and other skin problems?  

Symptoms Of Psoriasis

As it’s typical with dermatitis, psoriasis can occur anywhere on the skin and cause severe pruritus and irritation. Psoriasis occurs most commonly on the knees and elbows. However, cases have been reported on the neck, face, and scalp. Scalp psoriasis may extend onto the forehead, ears, and neck. Psoriasis can cause so much discomfort. The severe itching associated with it can predispose to further deterioration like a break in skin continuity. Breaks in the skin result in bleeding and can lead to secondary bacterial infection. Opportunistic bacteria target these weak and open spots on the skin, get in and cause more havoc than is already created. 

Psoriasis can also occur on the back of the hands, knuckles, and even on the palms. Psoriasis on the hands may also include the nails, giving them a discolored look. This is called nail psoriasis. Nail psoriasis causes overactive skin cells to produce excess new cells under the nails. In severe cases of nail psoriasis, the nails may eventually fall off. Intense dryness and peeling of the skin on the hands that come with this condition make very simple actions like writing and washing difficult. 

Psoriasis occurring on the legs varies from mild to severe, covering a significant portion of the legs. It may also be found in isolated patches with varying appearance. Guttate psoriasis on the legs appears as drop-like, small red  patches occurring singly over the legs. Plaque psoriasis can be seen in large, shapeless patches with thick inflamed skin or white scales. There are several other forms in which psoriasis might occur. Some forms have been found to occur in inconvenient places like the genitals and armpits. It is very uncomfortable to experience irritation in these places consistently. As a result, relieving psoriasis is extremely important.

Relieving Psoriasis

Psoriasis can be quite challenging to treat but apparently, not impossible. Relieving psoriasis is very tasking, especially when hair gets in the way. With effective treatment, psoriasis can be completely resolved. The sensitivity of a person’s skin, the skin’s exposure to irritants, and the type and effectiveness of treatments are some of the factors that contribute to relieving psoriasis. Frequent contact with water, for instance, makes treating nail psoriasis difficult. However, with effective prescriptions from the physician and adequate use of topical therapy, psoriasis can be cured.

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