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Author: pps-DUEditor


Can A Car Loan Affect Your Car Insurance?

Can A Car Loan Affect Your Car Insurance?

Find an answer to this common question  The correct answer to this question is ‘it depends’. Let’s find out on what factors it depends. If you buy a car with a loan taken from a

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7 Things That Hike Your Car Insurance Rates

7 Things That Hike Your Car Insurance Rates

Know about them and save yourself some money  1. Traffic Violations This is a very common reason. Get caught breaking traffic rules, and you must expect your insurance rates to go up. Both minor and

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5 Used Car Warranty Tips

5 Used Car Warranty Tips

We’re sure you know that new cars are sold with manufacturer warranties. But, what about used cars? Is there any chance that any repairs that you may need can be covered by a warranty? We’re

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Five Ways To Make Your Home Energy Efficient

Five Ways To Make Your Home Energy Efficient

An energy-efficient home will save you money, but more importantly will reduce the enormous burden on the environment and go some way towards halting climate change related disasters. Here are five effective ways to cut

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How To Effectively Increase The Equity Of Your Home

How To Effectively Increase The Equity Of Your Home

Most homeowners who are putting their home on the market often try to undertake too many renovation projects, hoping to attract buyers. This results in a lot of needless expense. It pays to be strategic

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5 Inexpensive Ways To Make The Exterior Of Your Home Pop

5 Inexpensive Ways To Make The Exterior Of Your Home Pop

Your yard, front door, stoop or walk-way says a lot about what kind of homeowner you are and is usually a good indication of what’s to follow inside. If you’re looking to up your curb

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Using Insects For Pest Control: A Handy Guide

Using Insects For Pest Control: A Handy Guide

Here are three simple reasons why chemical pesticides are useless for your garden and inconvenient for you in the long run. First, pests adapt easily and over 500 species are known to develop resistance to

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The Top Five Health Benefits Of Gardening

The Top Five Health Benefits Of Gardening

There has always been something therapeutic about watching plants, flowers and trees grow and thrive under your care. Seasoned gardeners develop deep bonds with their plants and swear that gardening improves their mood and makes

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Finish Off All Plumbing Projects Like A Pro

Finish Off All Plumbing Projects Like A Pro

A good handyman or woman knows that a plumbing job isn’t complete until every last detail is checked and found to be working perfectly. It’s no good taking on and finishing a big home improvement

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Allergen Proofing Your House In Five Simple Steps

Allergen Proofing Your House In Five Simple Steps

The American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology estimates that over fifty million Americans suffer from various seasonal allergies every year. You would think our houses would keep us safe, but often they’re a catch-all

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